Diablo 2 resurrected price reddit
Diablo 2 resurrected price reddit

diablo 2 resurrected price reddit

Sorcerers defence and skills have been disproportionally effected - the class that already struggled with the least armor, has been nerfed more so in their options to protect themselves.You can no longer enter World Tier 3 before level 50 - or World Tier 4 before level 70, this will affect players in groups at differing levels who will now have to join their friends in lower tiers for less rewards, and will slow the gearing process to level 70 even more.Attempts to address level scaling could make the XP grind harder - Monster levels have been scaled down so that players can start to feel more powerful sooner in the open world, but this in turn could make power leveling slower and less efficient.

diablo 2 resurrected price reddit

The hearts themselves have varying degrees of power and situational usefelness and so far only a handful of the 32 seem like they will be worthwhile. The powers obtainable through the Malignant Hearts seem to so far, be underwhelming given that pre-season power has been nerfed.One of my favorite memes going round the Diablosphere right now, implying the Unique is so bad players will just go play another game.

Diablo 2 resurrected price reddit